February 13, 2020 @ 10:00 – February 13, 2020 @ 14:00
Room BI A0 448, EPLF
Route cantonale
in Lausanne 1015

Why and where can algorithms be gender biased? How can a human rights based approach be applied to computer science, engineering and innovation? Research shows that bias is in play in every aspect of modern life and has substantial, far-reaching impacts on our work environments, private life and culture.

Who is this workshop for?

EPFL undergraduate and graduate students


The Digital Humanities Institute in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Office will host a 3 hour practical, agile and interactive workshop ‘AI & Gender: A Human Rights Toolbox’ for students on the EPFL Campus. Using gender as a prism to understand a human rights framework that underscores AI, the interactive workshop will foster reflection on the stereotypes, biases and gendered roles of both women and men, with the intention of understanding what real-life constraints hinder equality in the working environments and the output of computer scientists and engineers. The workshop will increase participant awareness of the relevance of gender and bias in their work and to their workplace and provides a unique opportunity to develop, deepen, and apply gender equality learnings, putting learning into action, ultimately leading to better decision-making, excellence in science, and improved practices.

More information here.